
Zhao Yao turned his body upside down, staring right into the eyes of the peeping tom. Zhao Yao asked in a calm and composed voice, "Do you find yourself humorous?" Obviously, Zhao Yao knew what Pornhub was. It was his favorite site with the most exquisite dynamic human art.

"Huh?" the peeping tom plunged with despair and muttered, "But I really have no partners. It's just my hobby. I know that it's immoral to do so but I just can't help myself!"

"Trash! You dare to come out and commit such atrocity without anyone backing you up? Do you know that you're just wasting all of our time?" Zhao Yao was fuming with anger and vented all his frustration by slapping him unconscious. By grabbing the peeping tom by his collars, Zhao Yao sprang back to the ground floor.