The Night Before

Meanwhile, on the very same day, hundreds of cats were strewn all over the floor of an underground bunker in Hanada district. Some were running around while others were busy sniffing their catmint. Some were just tussling with one another.

Fish Ball stood in the middle, with a spectrum of lights shining from his palms. The lights illuminated the place like a disco ball, turning the underground bunker into a dance floor.

"Everyone, put your hands in the air!"


At least 18 cats responded to Fish Ball's calls as they went on their feet and raved to the beat while exclaiming, "Long Live King Noodle!"

At the foot of the throne laid a pile of catmint. On it was Noodle with his entourage of female cats. They surrounded him and showered him with love by running their soft paws through his fur or swarming his face with their tender kisses.

Noodle could not help but smile when he saw all the cats which had submitted to him.