You Are Out!

Zhao Yao tore open the bag of cat food and was able to discern its quality without even tasting it.

"I guess it's an excellent quality cat food? It's about the same as those brands I can get at supermarkets."

Zhao Yao scattered the cat food right in front of Matcha. However, he was totally indifferent to it. After all, Matcha's diet consisted solely of legendary cat rice. He took a bite of it before vomiting the rest.

On the other hand, this was the best cat food Noodle and Fish Ball ever had. They simply could not have enough of it until Xiao Yu dragged them away after taking a few mouthfuls.

Xiao Yu exclaimed, "Are you guys gluttons? Where do you intend to excrete later? I did not bring plastic bags along. Are you trying to turn me into that kind of owners that never pick up after their pets?"