Home Sweet Home!

"D*mn it! How can I possibly lose to Fish Ball?" Matcha collapsed to the floor with disappointment sagging through his body, even his tail lay limply next on the ground. A series of ear-splitting shrieks were also heard.

A radiating smile flashed across Fish Ball's face when he saw just how pathetic Matcha was, "There were at least 50 female cats that came for the blind date. That means he was rejected 50 times!"

Bam! Matcha clutched tightly against his chest and felt his heartbeat growing weaker and weaker. His expression was totally devoid of any spirit or energy.

Zhao Yao tried to salvage the situation with all sorts of ideas but it was to no avail. The mission remained incomplete even after the ship docked.

It was a herculean task for a female cat to even develop a tinge of affection for Matcha. To Zhao Yao, this task even harder than winning the cat king competition.