What A Fool!

"What a drag. The only thing that they know is to promote their stupid miracle water and scam innocents! I can't possibly extract any useful information out of them." Zhao Yao held on to a thin strand of hope as he went around asking for information. Instead, he was greeted with glares and condescending glances.

Zhao Yao swept his head around and noticed two middle-aged men with their heads lowered as they pretended like ordinary passers-by. Zhao Yao had already noticed their presence since 10 minutes ago. They were blatantly stalking him all this while.

Suddenly, Zhao Yao's ears gave a slight shudder as he made out a distinct conversation amongst the white noise.

"Have you seen that fool?"

"Which one are you talking about?"

"The one who has been walking around and yet refuse to buy anything. One look at him and I already know that he is a fool."