The Grueling Fight

With the dressing in hand, Zhao Yao began his haphazard bandaging before shoveling bottles of energy drinks down their throats. He could finally heave a sigh of relief when the bleeding began to subside.

Wiping off the sweat accumulated on his forehead, he stood back up and was greeted by a radiant smile plastered across Black Panther's face. Zhao Yao slammed his face into his hands and muttered, "Black Panther, do you understand how serious this is? You almost killed these men here!"

"Master, it's perfectly fine." Black Panther intercept Zhao Yao's words, "I have been stabbing people all my life and I know the exact location to stab to prevent them from dying." With that, he brandished his dagger and continued, "Hey Master, we're destined to meet each other since both of us share a special interest in stabbing others."

"D*mn it! Who told you that I liked to stab people?" Zhao Yao retorted as he quivered with indignation.