What Are You Waiting For? Run!

Purple Saber Fairy understood that this was most probably his only chance at escaping as the plasma saber flickered in his hand, "Escape? Or maybe …" Images of his futile attempts at penetrating the enemy's defense flooded his mind, rendering escape as his only option.

However, he might not actually outrun these apostles if it came down to a foot race.

"No wonder they dared to put the battle with me on hold. They must be treating me as some sort of easy prey." This thought alone caused his temple to throb with rage.

Meanwhile, Lin Chen could hardly stand on his feet as he continued to vomit non-stop. The two apostles approached him from the flanks, surrounding him with a searing flame on the left and the blistering cold on the right. This attack should take Lin Chen down for good.

However, Lin Chen's right arm started reaching towards his black bag at this moment as he continued to shake violently.