The Great Escape!

Kill them!

Bam! Immediately, the armor which was previously regarded as impregnable was shredded to pieces. The swords which the apostles wielded were fragmented into tiny bits. Even the apostle, with the power of control over rocks and gravels, was destroyed.

With his sword, there was nothing that could possibly stop Lin Chen at this point.

Furthermore, Lin Chen was not their only enemy. Purple Sabre Fairy would come in from time to time, lending Lin Chen a helping hand. The purple plasma sabers would slice across the sky before the victim's blood was mercilessly splattered across the ground.

Priest Yang's jaw went slack when he witnessed the carnage and screamed, "Where did these two fellas come from? When did Chuan Xiao ever have apostles of this level? Mao, I think it's time for us to escape …"