
With a pen and paper in his hand, Old Cat was immediately thrown into solitary confinement within the extradimensional belly.

Now, Zhao Yao was left with the troubling task of bringing Xiao Ming and Red Packet back to Jianghai City.

A few minutes later, hordes of military trucks started streaming into the place. In a split second, Chuan Xiao District bad been completely locked down by the military. Finally, Zhao Yao was no longer responsible for anything within that place.

With Xiao Ming slung across his back, Zhao Yao slowly walked to his car before disappearing into the highway back home. For the first time in the last few months, Xiao Ming could finally look forward to a better tomorrow.

Those days spent in Chuan Xiao District were definitely the darkest periods of his life. However, things were about to change. He was finally going to return home.

Just the thought of it caused the corner of his lips to curl upwards as he looked towards Zhao Yao.