The Relentless Search

On that same night, Meng Hao and the others proceeded to a karaoke session after the satisfying dinner.

Tunes of the latest Billboard hits flooded the room when Meng Hao suddenly pushed open the door and staggered towards the toilet. At that point, his entire body reeked of the smell of alcohol and smoke.

Suddenly, two muscular men stopped right in front of him, obstructing his path.

A tinge of anger flashed across Meng Hao's slightly flushed face as he retorted, "What do you want?"

One of the blokes slid him a death glare before replying, "We are representatives from XXX peer-to-peer lending platform," With that, he flashed a card in Meng Hao's face, "There is RMB 500,000 inside. Our boss doesn't want a repeat of today's rally from now onwards."