A Familiar Spirit

The two of them finally left the classroom after completing their world-class act. To demonstrate her remorse and sincerity, Xiao Yu even bowed in apology for an entire minute before leaving, "Teacher, I'm so sorry for causing you so much trouble," Xiao Yu apologized as she carefully shut the doors.

Zhao Yao was trying his best to suppress his laughter as he chuckled, "36? D? I didn't know that you had such aspirations."

Xiao Yu swept her head around and pinned him down with her death glare, "Why do I get the feeling that you are gloating over my demise?"

Somehow, Zhao Yao didn't realize the change in mood and continued poking fun at her, "I never expected girls your age to be so vain! I mean you even resorted to lying about your boob size when you're in middle school. I dare not imagine what will happen in high school. Everything that we say should be rooted in truth. You are simply too vain for your own good. Who taught you all these?"