The Hunt

Hidekazu and Onitsuka strolled on the streets while Ishida concealed in their shadows.

Up till now, the apostle who was more suited spiritually and physically to Kagemaru was Ishida. Ishida was able to effectively utilise the shadow abilities which included Shadow Jump, Shadow Weapons and Concealment.

Because of the comprehensiveness of the ability, the Japanese terror group only sent out Ishida as the believed he could accomplish their mission.

As for Ishida, he was very confident of himself. With his ability, he was able to fight his way from the lower tiers of the organization to become part of the cadre.

However, searching for the cat wasn't a simple task. Hidekazu and Onitsuka had already searched for a few hours but still couldn't find a trace of the two supercats.

After a long period of time, Ishida couldn't help but asked, "Still couldn't find them?"