
The Sphynx cat said gently, "Ares, don't move, I will help you get rid of that evil being." After he finished speaking, he stared at the shadow ferociously.

Ares was shocked. Although Ishida couldn't understand them, he could feel the intent of the opposition and raged, "You are looking for trouble."


Over ten black streaks emerged from the shadows which Ares' body casted. With the overwhelming number and power, it was sufficient to turned a grown adult into minced meat.

But for Sphynx cat, the streaks only travelled for a minimal distance before the Sphynx cat whipped out his manoeuvre to surround Ares. His claws disappeared and only a faint illusion remained.

In the Sphynx cat's vision, everything seemed to have remained static. He simply extended his claws and attacked the streaks.

At the next moment, thump thump thump! All the streaks had just emerged but had already been destroyed by the Sphynx cat.