Chasing of Debt

Zhao Yao stroked Roly Poly's back and was stunned as he felt the fur that came off with each stroke. WIth a few more strokes, he realised that the fur which Roly Poly dropped were like snow.

"Roly Poly, what's wrong? Why are you dropping fur?"

Roly Poly shivered as he replied, "It's a little cold."

"Cold? Why is it cold? We turned on the heating." Zhao Yao was puzzled. He touched Roly Poly's ear and continued, "Why is your heart beating so fast?"

Roly Poly covered his chest and replied, "I am really happy to be together with you."

He then lifted Roly Poly's ears and curiously asked, "Why are your ears drooping down?"

Roly Poly wheezed, "Perhaps the genes of Scottish Fold within me were awaken."

Zhao Yao frowned and felt that there was something weird about Roly Poly today and thought, "Maybe he is sick."