Combine Forces

Tokyo, Japan.

One week after Matsuo's supernatural encounter.

Matsuo shuffled to his bedroom door at five in the morning. He opened it to reveal the legion of spirits that saturated his living room.

Some of them, like his first ever visitor, were doing warm-up exercises. Some were watching TV. A few were playing video games. There was even one rummaging through the refrigerator for something to eat.

Matsuo gulped.

This was the first weekend after the incident.

In the past week, spirits of the gamblers he met at work have begun taking residence in his home.

Matsuo was not taking this particularly well.

His eyes were bloodshot. There were dark purple circles underneath them. They stood out against his sickly pale skin.

His new housemates had made it impossible for him to sleep well.

Matsuo stared at the spirits that were moving around his living room, acting as if they owned the place.