Crucified Cats

"Huh?" Roly Poly couldn't believe his ears. The pit of his stomach fell as the word, infinity, continued to echo in his head. Struggling to no avail, he exclaimed, "Are you sure you calculated correctly?"

"Of course, if I include the potential medical fees I have to incur from the physical and mental ordeal, infinity sounds about right."

Disappointment sagged through Roly Poly as he muttered, "That means I can never repay the debt which I owe you?"

"Not necessarily. My infinity is a subjective term which changes according to my mood. If you make me happy," Zhao Yao started to stroke his chin thoughtfully, "The sum can be reduced to just a few RMB. You might be able to repay your debt in no time."

"Really?" Roly Poly could literally see the silver lining beyond the clouds. Tears welled up in his eyes when he realized just how forgiving Zhao Yao was.

Suddenly, the smile was wiped from Zhao Yao's face as he replied sternly, "Obviously not."