Happy New Year!

Old Cat trailed closely behind Matcha. He would carefully place his paws on spots Matcha had already stepped on, for fear of destroying his artwork.

"Sir George, if not for you, Zhao Yao would not be able to maintain the current peace which cat nation enjoys. You are truly remarkable!"

Matcha was indifferent to the compliments and simply nodded his head in response. He then reached his paw into the snow before a shudder ran down his body. The snow was fun to play with, but it was way too cold.

Old Cat saw his opportunity and immediately reached his paw forward, resting underneath Matcha's paw. A bashful grin spread across his face as he uttered, "Sir George, use my paw to create your masterpiece."

"Oh," Matcha's eyes finally met Old Cat's as he looked towards him. With his right eyebrow shot up, Matcha enquired, "Aren't you scared of the cold?"