407 Regaining of Consciousness

After looking at Xiao Yu and Zhao Xue, Zhao Yao was extremely appalled in his consciousness. Accompanied by the ripple in his consciousness, his body that was laying on the hospital bed shook like he was shocked by electricity.

Zhao Xue and Xiao Yu were excited by Zhao Yao's regain of consciousness.

Xiao Yu immediately pressed the buzzer beside the hospital bed. The doctor came in a short while and asked, "What happened?"

"Dr. Liu! Look at my brother, he seems to have woken up!"

Zhao Yao was slightly taken aback. He looked at the female doctor standing before him and thought to himself, "This fellow.. Isn't she the Dr. Liu from Starry Starry Pet Hospital? How can she be attending to humans? Are you sure it's alright for her to be my doctor?! Change my doctor!!"

Dr. Liu adjusted her spectacles and touched Zhao Yao's chest. She then inspected his eyelids and spoke, "Infected by viruses, visceral failure, muscular atrophy, urinal concretion…"