The Questioning

"Come here and take a look at our unique swimming programme!" A supercat announced with a stack of pamphlets bundled on its back, "With the effects of our superpower enhanced training, you can turn from a tiny kitten into a giant Siberian tiger in one month's time!"

Roly Poly felt an invisible force pulling him towards it. Suddenly, he felt a familiar hand wrapping its fingers around his neck before dragging him away.

"Roly Poly, I need you to concentrate." Zhao Yao reminded, "There is no room for failure. I need to bring those two fools back." In the midst of his search, Zhao Yao was alerted to a notification in his BOOK. Instantly, a new mission had appeared across the page.

Mission: Two terrible twos

Objective: Locate both Lightning and Red Packet

Reward: Locating Lightning would earn Zhao Yao 5 experience points while locating Red Packet would earn Zhao Yao 500 experience points

Reward: Nil