Who in the World are You?

A blonde with bright blue eyes rushed towards the men doubled over in pain.

"What's wrong? Are you alright?"

The two men shouted at the same time, "No!"

Unfortunately, it was too late. The blonde had reached for them. A sick, scratching sound was heard as his now needle-sharp body hair tore through the seams of his shirt. He joined the men on the ground with a yelp. Blood had also started streaming from his pants.

With more and more of his men falling like dominoes, Faceless was called to the scene. He gawked at them.

"What is this? Why are they on the ground, bleeding all over themselves?" he asked.

He extended a hand to help one of the men up, but was immediately stopped by a bodyguard.

"Boss, you can't touch them," he warned, "Once you make contact with them, you'll meet the same fate."