
Zhao Yao's eyes lingered at this suspicious character for a split second before he reached his arm forward and tossed him behind the extradimensional belly gate. The thick mist rendered everyone oblivious to his disappearance.

Zhao Yao commanded the cats inside his belly, "I want you to interrogate him and find out what's wrong with him."

This seemingly ordinary man stared dumbfoundedly as darkness blanketed his vision before he opened his eyes to a foreign land. He turned his head around to see tens of cats staring viciously at him.

Matcha licked his paws in a blood-curdling manner. With his eyes fixed on him, Matcha shouted at Old Cat, "Old Cat, tell this man to answer truthfully for these claws have no eyes."

Meanwhile, Zhao Yao had initially planned to tag behind the two Americans as they ventured forth. However, he had to forgo this plan for a more expedient approach.