Wolf's Howl

With his superpowers restored, it did not take long for William to round up Cheese, Kimchi, and the other cats. He knocked them unconscious in one swift move and tied them securely to his back with metal wire.

Xiao Yu was not paying any attention to how he subdued the cats. Instead, her eyes were trained on Zhao Yao. In a matter of minutes, he had somehow managed to get a stranger to transfer USD 3.5 million into his bank account.

In her eyes, that made him a legend.

"My dearest Zhao Yao, remember how I coddled you when you were a child?" she started.

The hairs on his arms and the back of neck stood on their ends.

"I remember you peeing on me when you were an infant," he retorted in a deadpan voice.

Xiao Yu narrowed her eyes momentarily, but her face broke into a grin again.

"How about I give you Noodle and Fish Ball and you teach me how to earn money so quickly?" she proposed earnestly.