An Island as Payment

Zhao Yao stroked the top of Cat Sage's head.

"There's no need to thank me," he said, "I'm doing this because you guys are down on your luck right now. However, you do know that you shouldn't stay on someone else's property forever, yes?"

Cat Sage blinked up at him in surprise, "Then what should we do?"

"Work for me. I'll give you wages. Save that up and you'll be able to buy the island from me someday," Zhao Yao responded.

He scratched the bottom of the cat's chin. It felt nice, but Cat Sage wrenched his head from the man's fingers.

He looked him in the eye, "We can buy the island back?"

Zhao Yao nodded.

"Of course. I'm not a slavedriver. You will be compensated fairly for your work. I will take care of your food and lodging. You won't have to spend a cent that I pay you at the end of each month. I'll keep that money safe for you so you can accumulate the funds you need to buy the island."