The Capture and the Situation

The lynx's' cries for blood ended as abruptly as it started. Once again, the Pallas's cat army returned to great fanfare while their opponents remained stranded in the brutal battleground.

Zhao Yao continued to stalk them with that same annoyed expression hanging on his face. The celebration continued back in the palace. However Lightning was the only cat which ran towards the largest hall in the palace with a wicked smile on his face.

"Where the hell is he going off to?" Zhao Yao continued to stalk from the shadows. Lightning pushed open the huge doors to a giant hall filled with furless female Pallas's cats.

"Hmph? Why did this stupid cat shave all the female cats?"

While Zhao Yao was still caught up in that thought, his ears gave a slight shudder as he heard a conversation between two female cats. One of them had been shaved while the other was still your usual furry Pallas's cat.