King of the Prison

Flashback of the past few days zoomed past Fish Ball's head as Matcha's question rang in his ears.

Xiao Yu who was in the midst of polishing off all her food shouted, "Fish Ball, we are almost out of cat food!"

Fish Ball raised his head with his mouth slightly open as a grain of cat food slipped out of it, "Xiao Yu, you wanna try cat food?"

A huge shadow loomed over Fish Ball's eyes as Xiao Yu's slap slammed on his head, "I've heard of a hostel for cats like you. It is free and provides buffets all day. I heard there's an abundance of female cats living there."

Excitement raced through him when Fish Ball heard those words, "Are you serious?"

"Of course I'm serious!" Xiao Yu continued, "If you're interested, I can send you there for a temporary stay."