Assembly and Enmity

"This guy has to know something, right?" Zhao Yao wondered.

He tried to manipulate the sixth sense again and, at last, succeeded. The teenager, or rather, King of Death, raised his head. There was a pleasantly docile expression on his face when he asked, "How may I help you?"

"Could you tell me what's going on here?" Zhao Yao muttered through half-pursed lips.

There was a flash in the King of Death's eyes. A strange thought drifted across his mind, "Why should I reveal anything to this man?"

That would be the rational part of him speaking. Unfortunately, logic and reason reacted more slowly than the intuitive faculty of the sixth sense. Before he could register what was happening, the truth already began to tumble out of his mouth.

"We're here for the Cat King of the West. We would use him to take control of this prison and seize some of the apostles and supercats for our own. Ultimately, our end goal is to…"