Scary, Scary Supercat

"This supercat is named Matcha," Michael explained, "He can stop time. I wanted to take him back to America for research, but it looks like we'll have to use him right now. He's our only hope of leaving unscathed."

A trip into Matcha's dream had given him a fair bit of information about the ginger cat and his apostle, Zhao Yao. He knew that Zhao Yao was the Headless Horseman and that he owned a large number of supercats. More importantly, Michael now knew about TimeFreeze and that Matcha was the most powerful supercat in Zhao Yao's arsenal (at least according to the cat in question).

"Remember," Michael continued, "The transition must be seamless. Matcha must not realize that he has left the dream. That's the only way that we can get him to fight Zhao Yao. They are companions after all."

Nightmare Cat flashed him a sly grin, "Got it."