The Slacker's World

Ares nodded in response to Sphynx Cat's words.

"You're right. I'll just open up a small corner."

With that, he sliced the force field that isolated Zhao Yao and the Cat King by a sliver.

That little gap was enough for the infinite flow of idleness to squeeze through and flood the entire prison complex. It took a mere millisecond for Ares' vision to blur. He felt like the gears in his mind suddenly stopped turning.

Thankfully, Sphynx Cat was no easy target. He was quick to respond and smacked Ares' bum, yelling, "Cover it back up!"

Ares found that he was unable to respond. The most that he could do was to make the force field whole again, cutting the Cat King from the rest of the world once more. Only then did the haze of laziness begin to clear.

Unfortunately, the damage was done.