Milking Experience Points

Kappei Hattori might be an apostle with an amazing superpower, but he would not survive on the frontline. He was far too used to being a commander, not a fighter. Apart from a lack of experience, he was also too much of a coward to be at the center of combat.

He excelled at one thing and one thing only—leading large armies to bully the weak and helpless. He was not one to fight losing battles.

This was why he put aside his rage and fear and complied to the wishes of the man in the mask. There was no denying the opponent's destructive capabilities. His life was at stake here and he was not going to do anything that might endanger it. Everything else was secondary.

Zhao Yao grinned as he accepted the new mission. He darted away with a swoosh, disappearing from view.

Once he was out of sight, Kappei let out the breath he was holding. He clenched his fists and turned to his secretary, eyes blazing with fury. "Heh heh, what you heard was Arabic?"