Supermassive Weakness


Kappei took the folder and flipped to the first page, where Zhao Yao's ID photo was affixed.

The Kujyos could never have found information like this so quickly. After all, they did not have access to the Japanese government's resources. Kappei did. He could tap on its global networks to gather intel that had been collected by corporations and citizens, unwittingly and otherwise. It took no time to find out more about Nanako's mysterious benefactor.

All of a sudden, Kappei's face, which was already gloomy because of the two Captain Koreas, became even nastier.

"This Zhao Yao… When Nanako was in China, she lived with him for six months?

"And they're about to have lunch together right now?"

This information was like fuel that deepened the rage already coursing through his veins. He was practically shaking with fury.

He slammed the folder shut, his mind whirring with cruel plans.