A Mission and Money

As Zhao Yao used the power of illusion, his eyes flashed bright red. He controlled Old Cat to help him translate.

This was a skill he had discovered today. He could now use the powers of Old Cat to speak Japanese without having any side effects or worrying that Old Cat would play some cheap tricks on him.

Kaede Hattori stared at the adjutant officer and frowned a little before waving him off, "I don't have anything that requires your help. Go off and prepare for the battle now."

He looked at Kaede Hattori with the gaze of a tough and aggressive man that would not be easily convinced.

Seeing how resolutely Kaede Hattori rejected him, Zhao Yao came up with a plan.

After he stepped away, he found the apostle he was posing as and knocked him out. He then hid him away, before looking for other police officers to question about Kaede Hattori.