Zhao Yao Was Contemplating

When she heard Old K's question, Xiao Shiyu furrowed her brows and asked, "Join you? Who are you?"

Old K laughed, knocked on the table and said, "You do not have to know who we are. You only need to know that our power is much greater than you can imagine."

Old K was testing Xiao Shiyu. He was waiting for an opportunity to bring her out alone for questioning.

On the other side of the room, mushroom-headed Lang Gou sat down in front of Zhao Yao. He smiled merrily and said, "I've heard that you are the owner of this shop?"

Zhao Yao lifted his head, looked at him with a pair of lifeless eyes and said, "I am not receiving guests right now. Go play with the cats." He ignored Lang Gou and focused on the computer screen before him.

Lang Gou smiled and disregarded his impudence. He rested his chin on his hand and said, "I heard that two years ago in Jianghai, there was a serial killer and a sharp decrease in people who maltreated cats."