Ready to attack

The feline girls were going around their room and moving the furniture around their rooms with psychokinesis.

After their practice, the feline girls deactivated their powers and joined Xiaoyu. They were eating dinner and planning on what to do next.

Fu Mi was very satisfied. "This is great. With the spirit superpower and our psychokinesis, we will definitely win the House of Cats."

Shui Yao twitched her cat ears and said enthusiastically, "When are we going to set off?"

"Let me think." Fu Mi scratched her head. "There are fewer people at night so it'll bring about less damage. Let's go tonight."

Sphynx cat looked at the feline girls who were discussing their attack plan and frowned. "This combination is cheating. If I want to win against them, I have to attack them before they turn into spirit form or I won't stand a chance. The key to fighting them is to initiate the fight."