Waking Up and the Get-up

Next morning, in the extradimensional belly, Zhao Yao yawned as he woke up and pushed himself up from the sofa.

He got angry when he saw the cat fur on his clothes. "Who sneaked onto my bed last night."

Roly Poly, who was beside the sofa, looked up and said sleepily, "Zhao Yao, this is the fur from Bald Head and his gang. Didn't you bring Dust Ball along to kill them, scaring them so much that their fur fell all over the place."

"Oh right, I almost forgot," Zhao Yao dusted the fur off his clothes as he said, "What about breakfast?"

Lang Gou walked over with his chest puffed up in pride as he brought over a bowl of century egg porridge with minced meat and said, "Boss, here's your breakfast."