Dog Food

When Roly Poly saw that Zhao Yao was angry, Roly Poly explained, "I didn't mean it like that. I have always respected you and I admire what you have done till this day.


"Yes, yes." Roly Poly open his eyes and tried his best to look kind and innocence. "Look at my eyes. Look at how sincere I am."

Zhao Yao looked into his eyes and he immediately felt that Roly Poly looked at him with disgust, disdain and disregard. He felt that he condescendingly look down on him from the Titanium Dog Eye.

"You stupid fat cat!" Zhao Yao grabbed onto Roly Poly's head and pressed hard. "Roly Poly, you are getting a big head, spiritually and physically. I should chase you out like Matcha so that you will grow up."

As he spoke, Zhao Yao picked Roly Poly up and walked towards the Dimension Portal.

"No, Zhao Yao!" Roly Poly pleaded, "I am so loyal to you. If you throw me out, it is like taking my life."