Air Battle

Cat Sage frowned at the approaching fighter planes. He extended his wings and accelerated, leaving a vortex of wind behind him.

The 12 fighter planes were hot on the trails of the Tri-headed Golden Dragon and their engines emitted thunderous howls. No matter how much Cat Sage accelerated, climbed or dived, he was unable to shake off the pursuers.

Roly Poly felt dizzy and nauseous after a series of high speed maneuvers by Cat Sage and said, "Stop, stop immediately. I am going to vomit."

Cat Sage resumed his cruising speed and said grimly, "I can't shake them off. Their speeds are faster than mine."

"Ah?" Roly Poly was worried, "What shall we do? Are you able to defeat them?"

The Tri-headed Golden Dragon squinted his eyes and dived towards one of the fighter planes. The fighter plane shadowed his movements and dodged rapidly, giving him no chance to get near.