Unified Management

"What have you been thinking about me?" Zhao Yao asked angrily. "To you, I am someone like that?"

Uncle Ho asked seriously, "Did you rob it from a bank?"

"Nope, they are all from illegitimate sources."

Uncle Ho heaved a sigh of relief. "Who is the unlucky one?"

"Double-Headed Vulture. I was chivalrous."

Uncle Ho relaxed. "Double-Headed Vulture is okay. You did not fight with other countries, right?"

"How could I? You know I hate picking fights."

Uncle Ho asked again, "You didn't expose your identity right?"

"I didn't. I am a professional. I speak in Korean when I am outside. When I transfer the money, I need you guys to cover up my account."

"Okay." When Uncle Ho was relieved, Zhao Yao continued, "And can you help me change the currency? I have a lot of USD here and all the gold bars, jewelry and diamonds need to be converted to cash."