Celebration And Repercussions


In the catmint bar on Cat Street, Matcha chewed Dust Ball Catmint as he jumped on the stage and danced excitedly.

Fish Ball stood by Matcha's side and emitted a myriad of colored rays. He danced with Matcha and they lightened the mood of the catmint bar.

Matcha shouted at the top of his voice, "Everyone, order to your heart's content! My treat!"

Meow! The atmosphere of the catmint bar peaked as everyone cheered.

Matcha placed a mug of ewes' milk in front of Milk Tea and said happily, "Milk Tea, let's celebrate your first bucket of gold that you've earned. Continue to work hard! Everyone cheers!"


Milk Tea raised up his paws gingerly and licked a few sips of ewes' milk. He enjoyed it and licked the milk happily.

Fish Ball sat on the left of Milk Tea while Matcha sat on his right. Fish Ball asked curiously, "Matcha, I thought you had no more money? Why are you treating me today?"