Prohibiting Catmint

Zhao Yao said, "Uncle Ho, it is about time to prohibit catmint. If you prohibit catmint and only allow me to sell, then, that will be monopolizing.

Uncle Ho was troubled. 'Why are we back to the same question?"

He answered, "There is no reason for you to do so. Even if we have the money and the connections, we have to be logical. If we prohibit others from selling catmint and can't provide a legitimate reason for it then resistance will be too huge."

"Why is there no reason?" Zhao Yao explained, "More than half the supercats love catmint and catmint stimulates the cats. If a normal cat is stimulated, there is not much harm. At most, they run and roll around continuously. However, if supercats are stimulated and use their powers uncontrollably, it is potentially a very dangerous matter.