An Iron Will

As the Time Freeze switched to Ultra Rapid Regeneration, time started to run again.

With that shout from Zhao Yao, every virtual-spirit apostle that was invisible and formless all stared at Zhao Yao at that moment. Their gazes were fixed on the red spot of light that shot out from the Paralysis Ring. As the sound rang out from the Paralysis Ring, all the apostles gathered around the spot of red light.

Even the middle-aged man who flew out from the hotel chased back in as he was attracted to the red light from the Paralysis Ring.

Promise screamed in alarm as Sphynx cat had already dragged her and barged down through the floors of the building chasing after the red spot of light.

Formless screamed, "D*mn it, Headless Horseman, are you bent on launching a full-scale battle with us? Don't forget about the poison in your body. Quick, stop whatever you're doing now!"