
After Zhao Yao shouted, Matcha yelled in the Extradimensional Belly. "Lucifer? Where are you? It's time to work!"

Matcha told Zhao Yao. "Zhao Yao, Lucifer is entertaining a guest. He does not have time to come out and work."

Zhao Yao frowned. "Lives are at stake. What is entertaining a guest? Ask him to come out."

Matcha asked hesitatingly. "Lucifer is with Minister X's son, it's not good to offend him."

Zhao Yao was angered. "Matcha, can't you see that so many people need to be saved by him? Even if it is Minister X himself, pull him out for me."

After a while, four supercats carried Lucifer, who was tied up, and brought him to Zhao Yao.

"Let me go!" Lucifer shouted excitedly, "What do you want? I will not concede defeat!"

Zhao Yao drew his lips together and grabbed Lucifer. "Lucifer, come over and cure them. Lend your powers to them. Get it?"

He looked at Lucifer's loyalty, it was 98. He could lend his powers.