Ghosts and Monsters

In the darkness, more and more ghosts in monstrous forms came out.

There were some human centipedes with their butts joined to their heads crawling over the walls and some ferocious-looking human bats flying across the sky with huge bat wings attached to their bodies.

There were also mummy-like things all wrapped in bandages, pacing around with poison dripping from their bodies. Every drop of poison that landed on the ground immediately eroded the spot and left a trail of huge holes behind them.

On the streets, zombies with exposed brains and rotting wounds all over their bodies crawled around slowly.

On the roof, several female ghosts covered in white cloaks floated around occasionally passing through walls as if they were formless.

All sorts of ghosts and monstrous beings emerged from the darkness, sending chills down the spines of the Holy Light apostles as well as Edward and his men.