Learning and Making Money

The invisible cat asked coldly, "Who are you?"

The Maine Coon said menacingly, "You guys let me out?" He licked his lips and said, "I am going to eat both of you!"

The shadow on the wall let out a growl.

"Hahaha." Project X laughed when he saw the three cats. "Hey villain cats, let's overthrow this world together."

The three cats looked offended when they heard Project X laugh.

All of them were viewed as highly dangerous supercats by the United States Army. They all had extraordinary powers, even the United States Army would not let them go. Now that they were finally out, why would they want to be restrained again?

Project X seemed to understand the thoughts of the three supercats and he walked over slowly. "Cats play with rats and humans play with cats. This cruel world has always been ruled by the strongest. No one cares about the feelings of the weak.