Capturing And Focus

Dark shadows came out from the surroundings and engulfed Doll, even though his body was smothering hot.

Slaughter, who had shot down Doll with a high-energy laser, smiled as he came over. "That is not good, Shadow. Boss is unhappy you are unable to capture a small cat."

"Humph, even if you didn't come to help, he couldn't escape as I had attached to his shadow."

As the two cats were about to bicker, Project X, who was covered with a layer of white metal, landed with Coffee from the sky. The two cats immediately sprawled down on the ground with respect.

Project X looked at the melted Doll and said, "Bring him to the prison."

Coffee asked, "What about Sang Biao?"

"Our activities here have attracted the attention of the humans." Project X said. "There are more cats over there. Once we finish our work, we will find Sang Biao."

They brought Doll's robot body with them and left the ruins.