An Intense Battle and the Encounter

Looking at Project X, Sphynx cat's muscles tensed up. He gathered all the power he had in his body before expelling it all at once.


Sphynx cat flew out like a cannon ball as he flared up all the muscles in his body. However, when he was nearing Project X, his whole body swerved against his will as he flew off on a tangent away from Project X.

Project X said calmly, "It's no use. Under the influence of the gravitational ability, I just need to exert a little bit of force for you to go off track and move away from me."

However, in the next moment, Sphynx cat blazed across with a trail of shadows behind him as he brushed past Project X and slammed head-first into the wall on the opposite end.

Right before his body came into contact with the wall, Sphynx cat's upper-body muscles coordinated with his lower-body strength as he flipped his body around like a spinning football. His feet banged against the wall as he curled, compressed, and shot off!