
Looking at this, Zhao Yao rubbed his chin and thought to himself, "If I go and save them now… We still will not be able to escape this space and we will alarm Project X.

If I don't save them and wait here, Project X will come sooner or later."

Thinking of this Zhao Yao clenched his fist and said, "However, that way, I will have to risk the other cats being caught by Project X and having their powers and intelligence taken from them."

"Especially Matcha, if his powers are taken away…"

"I will have to try and see if I can attract Project X over."

Zhao Yao crushed the wall beside him with his palms, restrained his intentions to kill and retreated into the darkness.

Then, he sneaked in and approached the cage. He stopped at a hole near the cage and looked at the supercats in the cage. He saw that except for Lucifer and Zhao Xue, all the other cats were unconscious.