
Under Time Freeze, Zhao Yao's Time Freeze ability was still in it's cooling off period, hence he was unable to activate the Ultra Rapid Regeneration ability. Zhao Yao's body visibly melted and dissipated into puffs of bloody smoke in the air as the high-energy laser beams blasted his body.

For Project X, Zhao Yao's strong physique withstood the attack for 10 seconds under Time Freeze. Relative to his own Time Freeze, Zhao Yao actually withstood the attack for 80 seconds.

The next moment, Zhao Yao had completely turned into ashes.

However, much to Project X's surprise, it was as if the clock turned back as Zhao Yao's physique reassembled itself from the ashes and materialized in thin air. He grabbed Project X by the head and threw him out before turning to the other Project X to fight.