Opening for Business

Zhao Yao spent the whole day using his superpowers to rebuild and renovate most of the destroyed Cat Wonderland. It would be open for business again the next day.

"Operating Cat Wonderland, selling more catmint, completing more missions and collecting more meteorite fragments." Zhao Yao sat on the executive chair in his office as he formulated a plan in his mind. Suddenly, Dust Ball burst in hurriedly.

"What's wrong, Dust Ball?"

Dust Ball held a huge bowl of catmint in her mouth as she exclaimed anxiously, "Zhao Yao! Zhao Yao! The Extradimensional Belly is being used to lock up that idiot, Project X. Now I have no place to plant my catmint! What should we do? Dust Ball Catmint is about to run out of stock!"

Zhao Yao nodded and replied, "I thought about this problem as well. I have a solution."

Dust Ball stared at Zhao Yao in admiration as she asked, "What solution do you have?"