Coming Home

After removing the threat of the superpower from their bodies and completing the mission, Zhao Yao finally smiled in satisfaction. "I should clear more missions on the way back. An insignificant mission is better than none at all."

Everyone else dispersed and went back to work. Only Aurora stayed behind, looking at Zhao Yao with fawning eyes.

"I'm still quite confident about my looks." Aurora brushed through her long hair as she stared at Zhao Yao. "Sir Headless Horseman, my stomach feels so painful. Can you come and check if there's a problem with me?"

"Your stomach still hurts?" Zhao Yao was surprised. "That can't be, I already removed the superpower."

"But it's really still painful." Aurora pouted and whined, "Can you come and check me please?"

Zhao Yao paused for a moment and observed Aurora. Aurora was elated as she thought, "Has my charm worked on him?"