Arthas and the Banquet

Los Angeles was made up of a cluster of hundreds of districts. It was different from central cities like that of New York and Jianghai. Los Angeles was like a pizza. The residents here settled in the various districts based on differences in race, culture, religion, and income.

Beverly Hills was one of the most famous districts in Los Angeles. Many billionaires, Hollywood stars and sports celebrities lived in the area. The area also boasted the most upscale, high-end brands on its commercial streets as well as many mansions. It was truly an affluent district.

Zhao Yao arrived at Beverly Hills with the intention to trace down Arthas, the master cat behind Star Cats.

However, Beverly Hills was not a small area. Some skill was still needed to find a cat here.

Zhao Yao asked Mary, who was hidden under the cloak, "Where does Arthas live?"

Mary replied, "I don't know."

Ares gave Mary a tight slap on her face, "Didn't you say you were his fan?"